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Our twittastic robots scan the Twitter public timeline for new twits to tweet. A few times a day, we calculate individual statistics for each twittering twit in our database.


This list is being constantly updated so you can find out who the most popular twitter users are. To participate, do what you normally do -- twitter constantly -- if you deserve to be on the list, we'll find you. The most popular users on twitter are crawled every day, everyone else gets crawled randomly.

Currently tracking 11 twitterer..ers in Davos, Switzerland

Add gavin and alexrudloff to your twitter friends. We want to make our own list! ;)

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The Twitterholic.com Top 100 Twitterholics based on Followers in Davos, Switzerland

# Name (Screen Name) Location URL Followers Friends Updates Joined
1. World Economic Forum (davos) Davos, Switzerland http://www.weforum.org/twitter 1,549,240 516 1,551 34 months ago
2. (textm8s) davos http://twitter.com/textm8s 13,228 13,841 0 12 months ago
3. tom glocer (tglocer) davos http://www.tomglocer.com 657 7 8 35 months ago
4. (TanyaBeckett) Davos, Switzerland http://www.bbc.com/davos 181 1 18 11 months ago
5. (telegraph_davos) Davos http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fi... 145 41 63 11 months ago
6. (davos2009) Davos, Switzerland http://www.weforum.org 81 35 10 11 months ago
7. (c_michels) Davos 22 36 111 488 months ago
8. Public Eye Awards (PEAwards) Davos, Switzerland http://www.publiceye.ch 16 69 3
9. Heike Faller (Heikonomista) Davos 15 14 22 17 months ago
10. Blackarrow (Blackarrow) Davos, Switzerland 13 6 58 21 months ago
11. (kupac) Davos, Switzerland 2 4 6 488 months ago
Top 100
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